There is chaos at the Capitol, and I am ready to fight for you. I am ready to serve our community as State Representative, and I need your vote. I’m the proud father of two sons who attended our local public schools. Along the way, I volunteered as a coach, led the Maple Grove Crimson Football Booster Club, and served as an appointed member of the Osseo School Board. As our community’s voice at the Capitol, I promise to work diligently to bring common-sense solutions to the public safety, economic, and education challenges facing our city and our state.


  1. Your Family Economy
  2. Education
  3. Inflation
  4. The Border
  5. Public Safety
  6. Election Integrity


Every one of us is feeling the impact at the gas pump, at the grocery store, and even in restaurants like Malone’s due to policies implemented at the federal and state levels. Runaway spending by the state Democrats in the last session is only adding to the problem. At the state level, three things we can do to help many Minnesotans right away include:

1. Repeal the gas tax that was implemented in the last session that ties our gas tax to inflation. The measure that passed has the consequence that fuel prices in Minnesota will continue to contribute to increasing food and transportation costs. There is no provision for the tax to decrease with a decrease in fuel prices. This needs to be repealed and new legislation presented.

2. License tabs: We can quickly get relief to Minnesotans across the state by reversing the increase put in place in the last session related to license tabs.

3. Reevaluate the upcoming paid leave legislation set to start in January 2026. Small businesses, restaurants, and solopreneurs have expressed concerns about its significant impact on their operations. We need to find a better middle ground for employees and business owners.



I am pro-teacher, pro-student, and pro-family. My approach prioritizes parental control, local oversight, and school accountability by ensuring transparency in all aspects of what is being taught to our students and expanding school choice options. Unfunded mandates must be reduced, and core subjects like reading, math, and science should be prioritized to prepare students for trades, college, or military service. I advocate for freezing college tuition, auditing higher education budgets, promoting high school students earning college credits, and encouraging trade education to reduce university costs and offer diverse opportunities for students.



Democrats at the state and federal levels have implemented spending and other policies that have brought inflation to all of us. This impacts the cost of credit, making it impossible for young families to buy starter homes here in Maple Grove. Older members of our community looking to downsize can’t get a lower payment by moving to a smaller home. The Democrats spent down our $17.8 billion surplus and grew government in Minnesota by 40 percent! We must rein in that spending to get inflation back under control.



While we are far away from the southern border, our Democrat state government is working to make us a “Sanctuary State,” where our law enforcement’s hands will be tied when ICE wants to work to protect us. Already, many illegal immigrants are being housed in nearby suburbs, and they can now be issued driver’s licenses that look just like yours. Legal immigration is good for America, and we should work to welcome those from around the world who want to follow the law and contribute to our economy. The lawlessness of the Biden Administration will be amplified here in Minnesota with a sanctuary state bill. This has to be stopped.



Law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical teams stand between ordinary citizens and tragedy every day. They have more than earned our respect and trust. We must support law enforcement at every opportunity. We must ensure they have the tools they need to deter and solve crime. We must have a legal system that enforces existing laws, ensuring that violent offenders remain off the street. We must also encourage community outreach with first responders, as prevention starts there. We need to continue to encourage the growth of SRO programs in our schools as well.



We must continue to work to ensure that only eligible citizens of our State can vote, that we ensure that votes are fairly tabulated, and that there is cooperative fair oversight of the counts by members of both parties. We need to work to get Voter ID in place and ensure that any ID issued to a non-citizen is clearly marked as such.