Servant Leadership. Common Sense Solutions.

"Servant Leadership. Common Sense Solutions." "That means I am here to represent YOUR interest, to help manage government the way you manage your family."

- John Bristol


February 27, 2024

Today, we are launching my bid for election to the Minnesota State House of Representatives. We put forth a great effort last time and while we came up short, we learned a lot. We’ve been able to preserve many of the investments we made last time.

  1. Crime is out of control, and it’s only getting worse.
  2. The Trifecta has done incalculable damage to our State. Whether it is the loss of the SROs from our schools, the entire surplus being squandered, the almost $10 billion in new spending or the forecast budget shortfall, none of us are better off than we were two years ago.
  3. National issues are coming home to us, too. There is nothing like asparagus at $7.00 per pound or $15 to go through the drive-thru. Raises are not keeping up with everyday expenses. People are stuck in their homes as the cost of new mortgages is so high. Every state is now becoming a border state, which is going to put tremendous pressure on our schools and our neighborhoods. We are a nation of laws, and we need to start following them.
  4. It’s not going to be fun for those paying taxes on their Walz checks that were $230 instead of the promised $2000 this April. All of this can be traced to the Trifecta racing too quickly to do a good job.

Our current representative voted for the Trifecta agenda faithfully and reliably… and that is not aligned with most families here in Maple Grove.

The only way we can stop all this stuff is to flip the House. It starts here, and it starts now.

When we win, we’ll do what we can to curtail the $750 million State Office Building boondoggle. As a part time legislator, I won’t need a building twice as expensive as the Wells Fargo tower to put a desk in to work at.

There are so many more issues to discuss. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the issues.

Looking forward to your help again this year. 

With thanks,


Under the Minnesota Political Contribution Refund Program, contributions of up to $75 person/$150 couple are fully refundable by the State of Minnesota. Once John receives your contribution, his campaign will provide you with the information necessary to receive your refund! Minnesota law requires political committees to report the name, address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 per calendar year. The maximum contribution in 2024 is $1,000 per individual, $2,000 per couple. No corporate contributions are permitted.

To donate by mail, please send a letter with your check, including your full name, address, email address, occupation, and employer in the envelope. Send your envelope to John Bristol For House Committee PO Box#118 Maple Grove, MN 55369.


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